Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Dugong Maharlika

Nobody tagged me. I just stole it off Iana. Whose blog address I did not notice, but I realized, bears quite a resemblance to mine. (Our blog names have been devoid of all similarity since I changed mine to Flabubulita.)

Post the rules:
*Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves.
*Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules.
*At the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
*Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

[isa] I take weeks upon weeks to learn a piano piece. I quit when I was 10 and want to take lessons again, but now I'm getting by on my own, trying to teach myself. I can't put the right hand together with the left hand. I can play them separately well enough, but I do not have the coordination to put them together. So I cheat sometimes and play just the melody and the chords. In short, I am a frustrated piano player.

[dalawa] I am more fluent in Ilonggo than I am in Tagalog.

[tatlo] I don't get the full effect of 'overplayed' songs because, for some reason, the radio station that the car is tuned to plays only old-ish songs (Sometimes When We Touch in some other language, Alone 20 times a day, etc etc). So I do enjoy me some Soulja Boy and Low when they play.

[apat] I get cold really easily. My feet are always cold.

[lima] Lima. Lima. (Pronounced "Li-mah" and "Lahy-mah") One is a number. The other is a bean.

[anim] If you switch the M and the N, six becomes ours.

[pito] Yeah, I couldn't really think for those two. Anyway, I solved a Rubik's Cube for the first time in my entire life last Saturday. But it wasn't really a Rubik's Cube. It was a fake one from Greenhills.

[walo] I am right handed. I make 3/4 of the population. However, I, too, am special. I am the only right handed one among my siblings. Take that, Punnet Square.

[siyam] I sleep a lot. There hasn't been a day in the past.. month or so that I haven't taken a nap that has lasted for at least an hour and a half. I like sleeping. I really do. Especially now during the break.

[sampu] I never learned how to sleep with a stuffed toy because I couldn't stay hugging it for the whole night. And the things had faces. I didn't want to imagine them dangling at an unsettling angle off my bed. So I cuddle with pillows instead. They can fall for all I care.

I tag YOU.

1 comment:

Iana Fel. said...

Mikli! =))

You're so funny. :-j
What was your original blog address?

HELLO. :D I'm bored!