I agree with mother; it is a language. And once you've learned it, you're set. It's logical, it's flowing, and it makes sense.
Say, for example, word problems. I've always enjoyed them. They were always like puzzles to me, with translation as the first step. I get this sense of accomplishment writing down the equation as I read the problem. Then after that, it's a regular equation again, there for the taking.
Or Geometry. I liked Geometry a lot. I hardly had to memorize anything, because I understood what it was about. Perhaps seeing the figures helps, as I consider myself a pretty visual person. I also enjoyed proving, because again, it was like a puzzle, even moreso than word problems. I look at the figure and try to figure out the basic idea of what I have to do (e.g. prove this is congruent, so that these are congruent, therefore making these equal -- TAHDAH!) and then flesh it out. Fun, and I mean this with no sarcasm whatsoever.
But as much as I like math...

Getting a tattoo of the Pythagorean Theorem is just too hardcore for me.
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